Our Monthly Education Series.

This online education series provides information on preparing for end-of-life, strategies for staying resilient through challenging times, and help for care partners to become more confident in their roles.


Download a printable version of the Dying To Know Winter 2025 program.

About The Session

Dr. Powell’s presentation focuses on her research, which aimed to understand the perspectives of family members whose loved ones received MAiD and the factors that influenced their experience. Dr. Powell provides insights and recommendations for individuals, family members, and professionals based on this research. The goal is to ensure that when MAiD is part of an experience, the focus is on the individual and the family, including bereavement.

Presenter: Dr. Tracy Powell

Dr. Powell is a registered nurse and associate professor at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Mount Royal University in Calgary, has a clinical background in oncology, cancer care, and palliative care. With over 20 years of experience in clinical practice and academia, Dr. Powell’s research program focuses on medical assistance in dying, in particular, the impact on family members and caregivers.

(All 3 Winter 2025 sessions are on the same form – sign up for 1 or more)

About The Session

Volunteers are essential members of the advanced illness and palliative care teams. With full hearts, trained volunteers enhance the quality of life of individuals and their loved ones throughout the trajectory of an advanced Illness through to end-of life and bereavement. During this presentation, you will meet a panel of volunteers who will share their experience.

Facilitator: LeeAnne Alexander

LeeAnne Alexander is the Manager of Volunteer Services at Hospice Calgary. LeeAnne Alexander has worked in the volunteer management sector since 2009. Her experience ranges from the development of volunteer programs for grassroots organizations, to leading the volunteer speaker’s bureau for The United Way of Calgary and Area. LeeAnne has supported organizations with her consultant expertise, to strengthen and grow their volunteer programs and takes pride in seeing others discover the amazing gift of volunteers.

LeeAnne believes in the power of volunteers and deems volunteers as the best resource for organizations and communities.

Volunteer: Jackie Baker, Volunteer at Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley

Jackie Baker first volunteered briefly with AHS in 2004. Currently retired from health care she volunteers with the Canmore General Hospital and the Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley. Her passion for quality at end of life is evident in her support to families with life-altering diagnosis, grief and loss support as well as being a Long-Term Care Patient Family Advisor. She nourishes her spirit in the Rockies!

Volunteer: Susan Endersby, Volunteer at Foothills Country Hospice Society

From Susan: “I have been volunteering at Foothills Country Hospice for 16 years. I was there when the doors opened for the first time. What fills my soul as a volunteer is making a small difference in people’s lives.”

Volunteer: Betty George, Volunteer at Wellspring AB

From Betty: “I have had the privilege of being a Wellspring volunteer for over two years now, and I always look forward to assisting with the many activities that members enjoy – pole walking, cooking, concerts, and birdwatching, to name a few. I am also honoured to listen to the stories and challenges of those living with cancer as well as their caregivers.”

Volunteer: Marie Claire Williams, Volunteer with our Companion Program

Marie-Claire is a dedicated advocate for mental health and compassionate service, finding immense joy in supporting others through her time with the Companion Program at Hospice Calgary. With a background in Interior Design and years spent in the non-profit sector, she believes that dignity, respect, and kindness are inherent rights for all.

(All 3 Winter 2025 sessions are on the same form – sign up for 1 or more)

About The Session

Knowing what to say or do when someone is experiencing grief can be challenging. In this interactive and practical session, participants will explore the practice of companioning grief. Participants will identify helpful ways to support individuals through grief and loss and will leave with practical suggestions on what they can say and do.

Presenter: Becky VanTassel

Becky Van Tassel has been employed in the non-profit sector since 2001; she holds Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters of Adult Education specializing in Educational Research. Her work has primarily focused on helping people talk about challenging and difficult topics. Becky is currently an Education Consultant with Alberta Health Services at the Calgary Grief Support Program.

(All 3 Winter 2025 sessions are on the same form – sign up for 1 or more)